Friday, September 08, 2006

Slipper Thief!

Nana was sitting relaxing one day and *whoosh*... What flies by high in the air but her slipper, from one end of the room to the other.

Not knowing what just happened, she looks down to see Mika chasing after it! Ah I see, so the culprit is a furry critter with a mischievous demeanor! Can you see the guilt in her eyes? Ha ha

Nap Time!!

A girl's gotta get a little tired after all that fresh country air!

Mika Learns The Stairs

I got a call from my Mom with an update before we left. The only "problem" was that they coaxed Mika upstairs so she wouldn't be alone but when it was time to go downstairs, she was too scared! Nana couldn't lure her down the stairs with treats or anything. The last straw, with leash in hand...."Mika, want to go for a walk?"

That got her moving pretty thing Nana heard was little nail "clicks" down the stairs! Ta-Da!

"Do Not Enter - Construction Zone"

Mika barely went inside, she loves it outdoors and she kept Grandad company when he was working outside on the house & yard!

Dirt-balls are my new toy!

So when she discovered that there were "balls" in this pile of dirt, her day was made!

Vacation Away from Home

Mika stayed with my parents in Iroquois while we were on our cruise. Her past times were watching TV at night with Grandad, playing with Nana's slipper, guarding the "construction zone", and finding and playing with dirt-balls outside!